8 Important social learning features to make your LMS valuable

8 Important social learning features to make your LMS valuable


The concept of e-learning has been evolving since its infancy. The latest developments are the social learning features that have made way for an interactive learning session. Apart from delivering quality learning and training sessions, an LMS also has the duty of making it engaging and well polished so that the learners benefit from this 'technology in education' concept.

Learning becomes even more fruitful when we interact with other users. It is a human psychology that we learn by observing others. Keeping this theory in mind, many social learning features have started gracing the Learning Management Systems. Having said this, the concept of social learning has made the online learning a promising experience for the users.

8 Important Social Learning Features

 Let me walk you through some important social learning features that every LMS should be carrying for a better user experience. Read on to find out about them.

1. Surveys

Surveys are an important tool that helps in understanding the satisfactory quotient of all your learners. An important tool that helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the e-learning sessions. How many users have attempted the training sessions? How many users are finding it difficult? These are some of the questions that get answered through this feature, apart from initiating a social interaction.

2. Chats

The chat feature helps the user to get in touch with the concerned person on an immediate basis. This one to one conversation can be initiated as soon as the receiver gets the message. Thus making it easy for the learners to interact with the concerned person get their problems solved.

3. Discussion Forum

The discussion forum is one of the important features that initiates a social learning environment for all its users. Moreover, creating topic-specific discussion groups significantly helps in gathering relevant users to discuss topics of importance on the online platform.

4. Social Question and Answer Sessions

When we are learning we are always bound by a plethora of questions floating in our minds. How about keeping a section open where any user can ask questions and can be immediately replied to by the concerned person? Sounds convenient, isn't it? This question and answer section is kept open so as to make it easy for others who have had similar questions popping up in their minds solved. 

5. Personal Messages

The personal messaging space will help you to convey messages that which otherwise would have been difficult to be communicated due to the absence of a physical trainer. With this feature, a user can easily connect with the concerned person for making the learning sessions easy and commendable in nature.

6. Experts Area

The expert area is a section where a concerned expert is given the opportunity to share his knowledge on a larger platform. This feature initiates knowledge transfer on a larger scale along with integrating social learning. A huge chunk of learners can get an access to the learning materials, advice, opinions and strategies that an expert posts in the given space. 

7. Comment Section

A comment section is yet another important Learning Management feature that helps in crafting a social learning environment. When you have a comment section you make way for suggestions, thoughts and views, queries and feedbacks of the users. With this, the satisfaction level of the users could be understood and accordingly steps can be taken to improve the learning sessions. 

8. Newsfeeds

Newsfeeds help in keeping all the users updated with the latest happenings, events and activities. This feature allows to display information on a larger scale, connecting all the users on a single platform. This section could also be used to announce some of the achievements of the users, boosting their morale.


Final Note

It is often the features that coin the glory of a Learning Management System. Want to make your e-learning courses more interesting and dynamic in nature? Sprinkle some social learning features into it. Above-mentioned are some of the important social learning features that will considerably increase the authenticity of your e-learning courses.


Bhushan Parikh Linkedin
Bhushan Parikh has been working as Digital Marketing Manager, He has good knowledge and experience of internet marketing , SEO, PPC and Social Media Marketing.

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